Monday, October 25, 2010

Layar - The Green Vitra

Model -

Tiny url -
coordinates - 151.227941 , -33.91837

QR codes -
QR code 1 - layar://georssgateway?SEARCHBOX=

Coordinaties - 151.228166 , -33.918626

QR code 2 -


Coordinates - 151.228166 , -33.918626

Sunday, October 24, 2010

500 Words For Poster

The Green Vitra

The design and concept of the green vitra was addressed in a way that represented as if time had passed pushing apart the main structure of the building. It achieves the symbolism in a much less destructive way by making use of the surrounding grassed area in order to combine the abstract forms into the natural surrounding landscape. The newly designed Vitra also incorporates new ‘green’ building innovations and technology in order to have much less of an impact on the environment.

The ‘Green Vitra’ is to be a new research centre into new innovations in order to make the construction industry less wasteful and better for the environment. With ‘green’ thinking as the buildings use the construction of it also intends to highlight the many different building techniques and technologies that can be incorporated into the building in order to decrease their dependence on external water and electricity supplies.

The design will also decrease the carbon footprint of surrounding buildings. The building also has sloped rises allowing the building to be walked on top of. By doing this the ‘green vitra’ can also be considered as a community park as well as having its desired use as a ‘green’ research centre. The area surrounding is landscaped with hardy Australian native plants which then decrease the need for water when it has not rained in quiet a long time.

Green roof –

The roof of the newly designed ‘Green Vitra’ has all the entire roof of the building and slopes covered completely in vegetation (grass). The green roof system incorporates a few layers firstly starting with the waterproofing membrane it then has a root barrier as well and drainage and irrigation systems to deal with the water that the soil absorbs.

Green roofs serve many different purposes in which they provide excellent insulation by reducing the heating and cooling to buildings as well as absorbing rainwater that would usually be sent to a gutter and ultimately sent down the drain as run off. They also can be altered to be agricultural space in order to grow different vegetation for the cultivation of food. The roof also filters carbon dioxide and pollutants out of the air as well as insulates the building for sound which would be perfect for the desired use as a research centre.

Solar Powered Shade Roof –

The Incorporation of a controllable rotating metal solar roof (Solar Petals) being a aesthetic design feature to the building (resembling petals of a flower) also allows the Green Vitra to have a surplus of energy generated that is then able to be sold back to the electrical grid. The roof is also movable during the day time to have different areas shaded by the sun whenever necessary. The addition of the solar petals also allows for the collection of vast quantities of water in the water tank that is located on the roof of the structure.

With the surrounding area of the Green Vitra being landscaped a portion of the water is used as a water feature that then drips down like a waterfall from the water tank off the roof to a pool that is then pumped back up to the top using energy generated from the solar panels.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Vitra Re-Envisioned Montage and Idea

Vitra Design Museum - Re-Envisioned -

For the re-envisioned design of the Vitra Design Museum I will be turning the museum into a 'green building'. This shall involve the changing of the structure to incorporate alot of plants and tree's within the buildings crevices and openings. Tree's and their roots which are renowned for moving building foundations and damaging structures shall be used to reverse the effects made by un-natural manmade objects.

I will use this symbolism of nature reversing the effects man makes on the physical world but in a less destructive way by opening the building for these natural elements. It shall exude as if time has passed and nature has been able to run wild and re-shape the building in an organic way. A large grass sloped roof shall be on the top of the building that will be walkable and blend into the surrounding area.

Montage -