Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Vitra Re-Envisioned Montage and Idea

Vitra Design Museum - Re-Envisioned -

For the re-envisioned design of the Vitra Design Museum I will be turning the museum into a 'green building'. This shall involve the changing of the structure to incorporate alot of plants and tree's within the buildings crevices and openings. Tree's and their roots which are renowned for moving building foundations and damaging structures shall be used to reverse the effects made by un-natural manmade objects.

I will use this symbolism of nature reversing the effects man makes on the physical world but in a less destructive way by opening the building for these natural elements. It shall exude as if time has passed and nature has been able to run wild and re-shape the building in an organic way. A large grass sloped roof shall be on the top of the building that will be walkable and blend into the surrounding area.

Montage -

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