Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chosen Architect - Santiago Calatrava

Santiago Calatrava -

Santiago Calatrava was born in Spain, in the town of Benimamet, on July 28, 1951. He attended school in the neighbouring city of Valencia. He earned a degree in architecture at the newly opened school at the time "Escuela Technica Superior De Arquitectura". He then went on to complete a post graduate study in civil engineering and obtain a Ph.D. His first acknowledgement was when he won the competition to design and build the Bach de Roda Bridge, commissioned for the Olympic Games in Barcelona 1984. With the success of his first bridge he then went on to construct other bridges in Spain and around the world.

At this stage of his career he also won competitions to other public projects such as the "The City of Arts and Sciences" in "Valencia" and the "Tenerife Opera House" in the "Canary Islands". Calatrava's buildings have been influenced by different forms typically the analogies between his buildings and living creatures. The forms Calatrava creates intend to appear powerful, yet delicate. usually white which emphasizes the lightness and modernism of his buildings.

The City of Arts and Sciences In Valencia -

A complex designed by "Santiago Calatrava" was designed to celebrate the arrival of the 21st century. It's looks are something out of a futuristic science fiction and looks way ahead of its time. His intention of the entire complex was to create an enthusiasm for the arts and science for the masses of people who visit the site. The buildings of the complex all take in some form of the natural world and incorporate aspects of them in the architecture.

"The Hesmesferic" resembles a huge eye ball floating above a pool of water that even blinks with the aid of a steel and glass shutter. The main building of the complex is the science museum which some people see the futuristic looking building to resemble a prehistoric fish.

A picture of the "Hemesferic" at the complex.
A picture of "The City of Arts and Sciences In Valencia".

The Tenerife Opera House in the Canary Islands -

An Opera House designed by Calatrava and what he states that he perceives it as a sculpture that is hollow inside made up of a composition of wings, nut and sail". The building looks like a gigantic sculpture and looks entirely different depending on where your facing the building on the site. The building looks out of this world with its different forms that seem to be in impossible to construct.

Made to show the more cultured significance that the city of Santa Cruz has which its renowned for its night life. The building is "Santa Cruz's" greatest landmark and is one of the best concrete and steel structures in the world.

A picture of the "Tenerife Opera House".
A sketch and model of the "Tenerife Opera House".

Text References -
Santiago Calatrava - "SMU NEWS", "BIBLIOGRAPHY:SANTIAGO CALATRAVA", [] Accessed : 15/8/2010.

Collective- The City Of Arts and Sciences Valencia - "", " Valencia's City of Arts and Science Museum", [] Accessed : 15/8/2010.

Collective - Tenerife - "", "Top Tenerife attractions like Auditorio de Tenerife facts and perceptions include videos.", [], Acessed 15/8/2010.

Image Source -

Valencia -

Photograph -

photograph 2 -

Tenerife -

picture model -

picture sketch -

photograph -

Accessed - [15/8/2010]

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