Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Spore Creations

Sixtipiid - Ground Dwelling Carnivore/Scavenger. Its habitat is arid, sun smeltering conditions, most commonly deserts. Its light colour on top is used for camouflage and allows it to resist the strong heat conditions it lives in and its tail is used for warding off others of its kind & eating.

Chicosaur - Herbivore, Its habitat is a temperate climate. Its large beak is quite dangerous to carnivores. Its small legs mean it cannot escape from predators and so can fly short distances.

Jumavian - Omnivore. Found in tropical rain forests. It uses its large legs to jump up high onto branches to escape danger and its colour blends in well to its surroundings as camouflage. It's third eye is used to see far to avoid danger.

Quamphivian - Omnivore. Its habitat is tropical wetland regions. Its uses its large feet to jump large distances and escape prey. It's colour is used as camouflage in the wetland regions.

Seamarin - Omnivore, located on coral reefs. It has camouflage to blend into its environment. Food consist of Plankton and any other small creatures it can find. Its large claws are used for both defense and offense.

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